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Why support st. Lawrence?
Dear Friend of the St. Lawrence Center,
When we send our young people away to college to grow intellectually, we hope they will also grow spiritually. The St. Lawrence Center is a beacon on campus to attract and assist our young men and women in their personal and spiritual growth. Fr. Luke’s presence and involvement on campus provides a reminder to all Catholic students that just because they are away from home does not mean they should be away from their faith. St. Lawrence Center provides many spiritual and social opportunities, including Mass, bible studies, campus events, dinners, and simply community with other Catholic students.
We have enjoyed being involved with the center over the years and are honored and excited to chair this year’s Divine Winefest. The Divine Winefest is St. Lawrence Center’s largest fundraising event that provides financially but also spreads the good news of the good works happening at the center and on campus. Spreading the gospel and providing a visual presence in and among our Catholic KU students is paramount to giving them an opportunity to continue in their faith journey.
The Divine Winefest is an entertaining night to meet and socialize with others who recognize and support the important mission of the St. Lawrence Center.
Please join us on Friday, November 22, 2024, to support and celebrate the great things St. Lawrence Center is achieving at KU. We’ll be gathering at the Cascade Hotel on the Country Club Plaza in K.C. We hope you’ll be able to join us. Thank you in advance for your support for the St. Lawrence Center.
Blessings and Rock Chalk,
Donna and Mark Teahan
Your support of Winefest goes directly back to the ministry at the St. Lawrence Center whose mission is to form the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Kansas and others who wish to join, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Catholic intellectual, moral, liturgical and spiritual tradition. The programs and ministries that are funded through your support include sacraments, retreats, community building & fellowship, mission trips, classes, liturgical ministries, leadership training, scholarships, seminars, social justice outreach opportunities, mentorship, and spiritual direction. For a fuller picture of all the St. Lawrence Center provides head to